I plan to make my project a photomosaic. It will be a composite image of Andy Warhol. I am going for an artistic statement that is not quite irony, but rather that oddly appropriate feeling that there is no term for. Right now my plan is to make the composite image a compilation of thousands of the same image, but this plan may evolve over time to become a compilation of his artwork. I will use methods we have learned in class, such as creating a canvas, tiling images, and blending.
OK, I take it this is the target image (with respect to the mosaic.) What is/are the tiles? With regard to photomosaic, we'll run into an issue in the amount of memory required for a sufficiently large image. Are you able to manage your own filters? I think so. Suppose this: suppose you copr Andy (above) into a number of pieces and make a photomosaic of each. Then glue them all together into one large image. Kind of a "soup canning" -- maybe appropriate. Just a thought if you run into issues of scale...
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